What Are the Health Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage?

How does a hot stone massage work?

One kind of massage therapy is a hot stone massage. You can use it to relieve strained muscles and injured soft tissues all throughout your body.

Smooth, flat, heated stones are used for certain body areas during a hot stone massage. Typically, basalt, a type of volcanic rock that maintains heat, is used to make stones. The University of New Hampshire Health Services states that heated massage stones range in temperature from 130 to 145 degrees.

The stones could be positioned:

  • Along your spine
  • On your stomach
  • On your chest
  • On your face
  • On your palms
  • On your feet and toes

Heated stones may be used by massage therapists while they apply Swedish massage techniques to your body.

  • Long strokes
  • Circular movements
  • Vibration
  • Tapping
  • Kneading

Occasionally, a hot stone massage will also include the use of cold stones. After heated stones, cold stones can be used to relax the skin and reduce any engorged blood vessels.

6 benefits of hot stone massage

Most massages fall under the category of alternative medicine. They are becoming in popularity as a supplemental treatment for numerous ailments. The following are some benefits of receiving a hot stone massage:

1- Helps relieve muscle tension and pain

Heat has long been used to reduce pain and muscle strain. It aids in boosting blood flow to the injured area. Additionally, it might alleviate muscle spasms and improve range of motion and flexibility. The use of cold treatment reduces inflammation. Alternating between heat and cold stones throughout your massage may be beneficial depending on your conditions.

2- Reduces stress and anxiety

The American Massage Treatment Association holds the opinion that “massage therapy can be useful for stress alleviation.” Research backs up what they say. According to a 2001 study, a 10-minute massage enhanced cardiovascular responses including stroke volume. In comparison to a 15-minute break without a massage, a 1997 study indicated that workplace chair massages lasting 15 minutes greatly lowered stress.

According to a 2015 study, post-operative massage helped patients who had abdominal colorectal surgery feel reduced pain, stress, and anxiety.

3- Promotes sleep

In people with insomnia, massage may be a better option than sleeping drugs, according to a 2006 assessment of the research. According to a study, receiving a back massage can help you unwind and fall asleep. According to a 2001 study, infants with sleep issues who received a 15-minute massage from their parents fell asleep more quickly. Upon awakening, they were also more alert, active, and optimistic. Although the exact reason is unclear, massage is supposed to promote deeper, more restful sleep.

4- May help relieve symptoms of autoimmune diseases

Fibromyalgia and other painful diseases might be helped by hot stone massage. A disorder called fibromyalgia results in chronic, widespread discomfort. A 2002 study found that compared to those with fibromyalgia who underwent relaxation therapy, those with the illness who had a 30-minute massage slept more soundly, had fewer trigger points, and had lower levels of substance P (a chemical involved in conveying pain signals). But before massage becomes a common fibromyalgia treatment, further research is required.

According to a 2013 study, hot stone massages, which use moderate pressure, may be beneficial for persons with rheumatoid arthritis. After receiving massage therapy for one month, study participants reported less pain, improved grip strength, and increased range of motion.

5- May help decrease cancer symptoms

A significant, three-year study including 1,290 cancer patients looked at the effects of massage on pain, exhaustion, stress and anxiety, nausea, and depression. The results were published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. According to the study, even people with severe cancer symptoms benefited from massage, particularly Swedish massage. Researchers think that the reassuring use of human touch contributed.

6- May boost immunity

A significant, three-year study including 1,290 cancer patients looked at the effects of massage on pain, exhaustion, stress and anxiety, nausea, and depression. The results were published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. According to the study, even people with severe cancer symptoms benefited from massage, particularly Swedish massage. Researchers think that the reassuring use of human touch contributed.

Who may benefit from a hot stone massage?

A hot stone massage can be helpful for anyone who is dealing with stress, insomnia, or muscle pain. Consult your doctor to determine whether a hot stone massage is an appropriate alternative for you if you suffer from a chronic pain problem.

Risks and warnings

When performed by a trained therapist, a hot stone massage is generally safe. There are some circumstances where it should be avoided. Consult your doctor before getting a massage if you have:

  • A bleeding disorder or take blood thinners
  • Burns on your skin
  • Open wounds
  • A history of blood clots
  • Had surgery in the last 6 weeks
  • A fracture or severe osteoporosis
  • A low platelet count (thrombocytopenia)
  • Diabetes

A painful pregnancy symptom may be lessened and tension reduced with a prenatal massage. However, the majority of masseuses avoid using hot stones on expectant clients. Only receive a massage while pregnant with your doctor’s permission and from a certified prenatal massage therapist.

Always place something between the hot massage stones and your skin, like a towel or sheet, to prevent burns. Find out from your therapist how the stones are heated. It is recommended to utilise a certified massage stone warmer. Never utilise stones that have been warmed up using a:

  • Microwave
  • Slow cooker
  • Hot plate
  • Oven


A hot stone massage may be a beneficial approach to lessen stress and anxiety, encourage relaxation, and soothe pain and muscular tension, according to studies. Various situations and conditions may benefit from it.

To precisely understand why massage treatment has such a potent effect, more research is required. It can be very much related to human contact. Touch provides a sense of security and connection for many people.

Use only a massage therapist who is certified to use hot stones if you want to ensure that your hot stone massage goes well. During or the day after your massage, you can feel sore. Deep tissue manipulation and pressure could be to blame for this. It shouldn’t hurt you. Inform your massage therapist straight away if you feel uneasy or in discomfort while receiving a massage.