Emergency Medical Services in Bangkok

Emergency Medical Services

Day in, day out, each and every one of us goes about our daily routine, be it for business or pleasure. Rightly so, we focus on the tasks at hand in our efforts to achieve goals, those that are imposed upon us, or those we impose upon ourselves.

Mentally and physically these routines are normally conducted as a matter of automatic function. It could be a normal workday at the office, or in a factory, it could be shopping at the market or in a mall, or a session at the gym. We might be dining with family or friends, going to the cinema, gardening, or spending a day at the seaside.

In our drive to achieve set goals, or simply to have fun, we tend to spare scant little time to consider any possible negative results of our actions. We take for granted that our abilities, and our health, will allow us to succeed. However, on occasions these attributes, our own or those of others, can fail us.

There are times when we can fall victim to unexpected illness or accident. It is at these unexpected moments that our own abilities can be found wanting, it is then that we rely on the knowledge and skills of other people and organizations whose automated routines are far removed from our own.

It is at these unfortunate times that the medical profession, and its peripheral services, become our saviors. They save, rescue, treat, heal, and cure sick and broken bodies as part of their daily routine. But, just as with any other area of life, there are those that do it better than others.

As individuals, we rarely have to call upon an emergency medical service. However, it is vital that we arm ourselves with the knowledge of who to call upon should a medical emergency confront us. Fortunately, Bangkok is blessed with having a world class, coordinated, emergency medical service.

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The Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) is a group of forty-five hospitals which include ten “Centers of Trauma Excellence,” of which the Samitivej Hospital Group has a leader in the field based in the capital, at their Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital.

This is an unsurpassed, 21st century, state-of-the-art facility providing the very best in emergency medical care and inpatient services from a world class medical team. The center is also renowned for its excellence in patient rehabilitation and international repatriation service.

Samitivej Hospital Facilities

The teams at the trauma center are headed up by board certified doctors, highly trained and qualified in continuous, 24-hour critical care. The specialist doctors are backed up by nurses and paramedics that are specifically trained in trauma management. Every nurse at the trauma center is certified in advanced cardiac life support, both in house and during transportation.

The center can boast the most advanced equipment essential in critical care and resuscitation. For surgical procedures, the center utilizes the most modern close monitoring technology, safeguarding patient stability during any procedure.

The center’s emergency ambulances are some of the most advanced in the world. Each vehicle is fitted out with the most advanced medical equipment and can administer medical care equivalent to that of any intensive care, or cardiac care unit.

The Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital’s Trauma center sports state-of-the-art diagnostic technology, which includes Emergency Room, mobile, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). And, with skilled radiologists on call around-the-clock, they can provide prompt and precise diagnosis.

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Samitivej Hospital Services

Around the clock, seven days a week, the center provides an exemplary ambulance service with vehicles equipped to deal with patients requiring emergency care following major trauma. Crewed by highly trained paramedics and supported by medical teams skilled in critical patient care, this is an unequalled emergency service.

The center’s transportation services are not restricted to conveying patients to the trauma center. The facility also provides an emergency evacuation and repatriation service utilizing various modes of transport, which includes air ambulances.

On occasion, a patient may be transported from one medical facility to another, nationally or internationally. These bedside-to bedside transports are undertaken with professionally qualified medical escorts, for both adults and children. Each patient is closely monitored throughout their journey until their care is handed over to the receiving healthcare provider.

The center’s “Code Trauma” is Samitivej’s well-rehearsed protocol which has been specifically designed to provide prompt and effective medical care for patients suffering major trauma. On calling a “Code Trauma” specialists, their teams and the necessary departments swing into action.

Surgical operating theatres, theatre equipment, the required specialists, and the nursing backup staff are made available to receive a patient within 30 minutes of the “Code Trauma” going out. This rapid, highly efficient roll out of the center’s staff, and the required facilities, enables the trauma center to save many lives.

Following major trauma and critical care at the trauma center, all patients will require rehabilitation. This will vary from patient to patient and is overseen by specialist physicians who are supported by a trained rehabilitation backup team.

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At Samitivej’s Trauma Center, they know that efficiently administered rehabilitation programs not only aid recovery but can also shorten the recovery period. All too often, following major trauma, a patient can find that their lives are affected by ongoing health problems or physical restrictions. The center’s customized rehabilitation programs help patients to lead a full and active life post critical care treatment.

Samitivej Hospital’s Medical Teams

Around the clock, the center’s specialist teams are on call. Headed up by professors and international board-certificated trauma surgeons, all areas of medical care are covered, which includes experts in general surgery, neurology, vascular surgery, facial bone surgery, colorectal surgery, urology, liver gastroenterology, plastic surgery, orthopedics, anesthesiology, obstetrics, radiology, gynecology, and dentistry.

The doctors and professors that lead the medical teams are backed up by highly trained teams of nursing staff. All members of the nursing teams are trained in advanced cardiac life, and advanced trauma life support. The nurses all have extensive experience in the care of critically ill patients. All the teams work to Samitivej’s coordinated protocols which maximize care efficiency.

In addition to providing the very best in medical care, Samitivej is also committed to the theory that prevention is better than cure. The hospital group is committed to promoting injury prevention and safety within the community. The hospital’s specialists’ study local, national, and international statistics and demographics to target informative educational programs aimed at raising people’s awareness, and reducing accident and injury, be it in the workplace or during leisure time.

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Jessica Doe

Hi, I am Jessica, Passionate about health and wellness ✍🌿 Sharing my thoughts and insights on all things related to the health niche. Join me on this journey towards a healthier lifestyle!