How to Determine If a Doctor is Right for You?

How to Determine If a Doctor is Right for You

Part of healthy living is ensuring you have an excellent doctor to tend to your medical needs. A health evaluation can be intimidating and vulnerable, so you must have a primary caregiver that you can trust. A doctor’s job is to ensure you feel comfortable, inform you about the tests to conduct, and refer you ahead to a specialist when needed. You may be in the wrong hands if they cannot perform these fundamental tasks. But this is only scratching the service since there are a few more qualities that you need to mind while picking a doctor.

The last thing you’d want is to end up with a healthcare practitioner who may be far too costly but doesn’t have the credentials or experience suitable for your case. If you’re searching for the perfect doctor, here’s what you need to know:

1. Suggests other resources and experts

In the healthcare sector, numerous medical professionals and licensed workers collaboratively perform their duties. It establishes a network of professionals who can partner and work on cases together. For instance, if you are struggling with immense mental, social, and financial crises while trying to get treated, you need more than your primary healthcare giver by your side. In such cases, your doctor must contact a licensed clinical social worker who can coordinate your needs and provide you with information on the financial and emotional resources to help you cope.

These professional social workers are an integral part of the medical industry. Their education, including graduating from licensed clinical social worker online programs, gives them the skills they need to assist you. Online learning also imparts knowledge about changing trends and regulations among social workers to ensure they remain abreast of any changes in this sector. You may find these experts knowledgeable while working with crisis management, empathetic about your situation, and helpful in demonstrating what you need to do to tap into healthcare. These experts also ensure that patients coming in for a check-up get their specific needs addressed, which is also imperative for an accurate diagnosis.

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2. Gauge your comfort levels

Being comfortable around your doctor is crucial, so you don’t feel embarrassed talking about your health. A medical practitioner can only provide the proper treatment if they know what they are dealing with, which means you can’t hold back information. You must switch doctors if you feel shy, nervous, or scared around your primary caregiver. But if the healthcare professional tries to make you feel at ease, asks questions, listens to you attentively, and doesn’t dismiss your concerns, they should be on the top of your list.

When providing medication, observe how patient the doctor is with you and keeps you informed on what they are doing. If you feel understood, heard, respected, and find the medical caregiver easy to approach, they are the right pick for you.

3. Check the medical practitioner’s qualifications

The healthcare sector is specific. Doctors work in various departments according to their qualifications. But, shortlisting one medical caregiver from a list of thousands can be daunting. Hundreds of doctors may provide the same specialized skills within one faction, making it hard for you to pick the most appropriate choice. Therefore, look into the physician’s board certification to facilitate your research.

It’ll provide you with a complete outlook on your doctor’s credentials, from the competent standards they achieved and their qualifications. You may also follow up on your findings by looking into their LinkedIn profiles or using the hospital’s webpage. These platforms comprehensively detail your healthcare provider’s professional career from where they studied, the duration of their degrees, and their experiences. Based on the search, you can select the doctor you feel is the most adequate for your case and attempt to book an appointment with them.

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4. Monitors medications closely

Doctors need to prescribe you medication in controlled amounts and dosages. This procedure includes minding your allergies, staying updated on the medication you are currently using, and not accidentally giving you medication that can react with other pills you use. Whether you get injected, prescribed oral liquids, or need a hospital worker to provide you with the necessary dosage, it requires close monitoring. Despite these regulations, doctors are still reckless with these chemicals and often endanger patients with their errors.

Tampering with medication comes under medical malpractice and is liable for a lawsuit. According to the University of Chicago, more than 40% of Americans had to deal with a medical error in 2017. A prominent case highlighting this negligence is the fentanyl abuse that took place in the US. It’s a strong opioid painkiller given to cancer and surgery patients to provide comfort after an invasive procedure. In June 2019, a healthcare worker was charged with killing over 20 people in four years by giving fatal doses of fentanyl at hospitals in Ohio. Consequently, if you learn about healthcare practitioners who are reckless with medicines, don’t approach them.

5. Avoid doctors on the big pharma lists

Certain doctors supplement their income by working with pharmaceutical companies and pushing their medical equipment or drugs forward. Even if the evidence highlights these treatments as inconclusive or unsuitable for administration, the doctors promoting these medications will not budge from their stance. No patient wants a doctor who forces them to take pills or get an unnecessary device implemented. Not only does this come under unethical conduct, but it is also a HIPAA violation and can pose grave risks to your health.

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Always stick to medical providers who are unbiased in their approach and put your health above their payroll. You can use the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments website to verify if the doctor got paid by a pharmaceutical company and how much they took.

6. Easily accessible

Emergencies can happen at any time. Likewise, you may need an immediate healthcare check-up and can no longer ignore your symptoms. Following these examples, you need a doctor close by and a short distance from you, saving you time and fuel. It wouldn’t make sense if your primary care provider is at least two hours from your home or in another state, making the drive and the commute unfeasible.

The doctor you opt for needs to be easy to reach and flexible enough to provide a consultation online or use telehealth to tend to you. Medical specialists who are rigid and not accommodating cannot help you or provide you with the care you need.


To pursue a healthy and fulfilling life, you must have a good doctor in your corner. These medical experts can help you adjust your lifestyle, get adequate treatment, and monitor your health patterns to ensure you are safe. Like picking out the right school and lawyer, you need to dedicate the same amount of time to shortlisting a medical care provider.

The traits you should focus on consist of their willingness to work with other healthcare workers, professional qualifications, and whether you feel comfortable in their presence. Other factors include their attitude towards prescribing medication, their relationship with big pharmaceuticals, and if you can easily reach them when needed. If the healthcare practitioner satisfies all your requirements, don’t hesitate to list them as your doctor.

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Jessica Doe

Hi, I am Jessica, Passionate about health and wellness ✍🌿 Sharing my thoughts and insights on all things related to the health niche. Join me on this journey towards a healthier lifestyle!